"Git for windows" in English


Viewed 102 times


After installing git for Windows, you can configure it to the English language?

Just set the language variables to "LANG=pt_BR" (or others) does not work. Do you have to install an additional language package? How?

1 answer


I looked here on their website and the translation to Portuguese has just been started, so I believe it is not yet available to use translated, you can see the complete translations, in progress and those initiated in the side menu here https://git-scm.com/book/pt-br/v2

I don’t think it’s possible yet, but you can try with alias git='LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 git' or alias git='LC_ALL=pt_BR.UTF-8 git'

You can see your language variables giving a locale, case by case LC_ALL is not defined, you can try to define it too, giving a export LC_ALL='pt_BR.UTF-8

  • The translation quoted (link) is from the book (Git Pro 2rd Edition) and not from Git.

  • For what I have been researching and trying, I think it is not possible, take a look at the Dit of my answer and try some of these alternatives as a last case

  • No chances, there is no language pack installed in the respective folder. It was the first thing we did before researching and coming here looking for help.

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