My application worked very well until today, but now when starting it presents this error:
unefined error method acts_as_authentic for main:Object
Follows my code fromact_as_authentic
in the user model:
acts_as_authentic do |c|
c.login_field = "coluna"
I am using Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2 and Authlogic 3.4.3
I believe this information is useful: app/models/user.Rb:9:in
<top (required)>'
current_user_session' app/controllers/application_controller.Rb:14:incurrent_user'
require_no_user'– André Ventura
what changed between the code that worked to what stopped working?
– Bruno Coimbra
I deleted the project and started from scratch, since it was in the beginning, I’m not sure but it is possible that I have corrupted my application_controller.Rb
– André Ventura