simplexml_load_file() does not recognize urlldecode


Viewed 36 times


I have the following class for the calculation of distances:


class CalculaFrete {    

    # funcao de calculo da distãncia

    private function calculaDistancia(string $_cidade, string $_estado) : ?Array {

        $cidadeOrigem = 'Muriaé';
        $estadoOrigem = 'MG';

        $key = 'abcd...';

        $parametros = [
           'units'       =>'metric',
           'mode'        =>'driving',
           'origins'     => $cidadeOrigem . '-' . $estadoOrigem,
           'destinations'=> $_cidade . '-' . $_estado,
            'key'        => $key

        $urlDistancia = '' . urldecode( http_build_query ( $parametros ) ) ;       

        $xml = simplexml_load_file( utf8_encode( $urlDistancia ) );

        $distancia = json_decode($xml);

        return $distancia->rows->elements->status == 'OK' ? $distancia->rows->elements : null;


    # funcao de calculo de preços e prazos para serviços de transportadoras

    public function calculaFreteTransportadora(string $_cidade, string $_estado, float $_precoKM, float $_quantidade) : ?float {

        $distancia = $this->calculaDistancia( $_cidade, $_estado);

        return is_null( $distancia ) ? null : $distancia * $_precoKM * $_quantidade;



$frete = new CalculaFrete();

echo $frete->calculaFreteTransportadora('Carangola','MG', 0.56, 5) ;

and the response of

echo $frete->calculaFreteTransportadora('Carangola','MG', 0.56, 5) ;


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\mvc_crud_pdo\classes\util\CalculaFrete.php on line 73

Obs.: abcd... is a substituting of key true for posting here on the forum.

Where am I going wrong?

it seems that the problem is in:


when it comes to


I have tried to agree with what the honourable Member said but the error persists:

$parametros = [
   'units'       =>'metric',
   'mode'        =>'driving',
   'origins'     => $cidadeOrigem . '-' . $estadoOrigem,
   'destinations'=> $_cidade . '-' . $_estado,
    'key'        => $key

$urlDistancia = '' . http_build_query ( $parametros ) ;        

$xml = simplexml_load_file( $urlDistancia );

$distancia = json_decode($xml);

and follows the error:

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\mvc_crud_pdo\classes\util\CalculaFrete.php on line 73
  • 1

    This is wrong urldecode( http_build_query ( $parametros ) ), or better is unnecessary. As I said in the other answer http_build_query does not need urlencode... Let alone utf8_encode --> utf8_encode( $urlDistancia ). Making these adjustments will probably fix the URL and it will work.

  • I made the adjustments and continued the error. I put the adjustment at the end of the question. Can I have one more look please? Thank you! Warning: simplexml_load_file(): https:/ parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in D: Jobs host htdocs mvc_crud_pdo classes util Calculafrete.php on line 73

  • 1

    It is because this URL does not return an XML, it returns JSON. simplexml_load_file does not work with JSON, so far as I know. I recommend that you read the error ALWAYS, even if in English, after all your attempt to use urlencode and utf8_encode had no sense to solve this problem, you have to solve the problem requested by the language interpreter ;)

  • 1

    Trying to Read a Json file as XML. If you want to do this use Curl

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