How to calculate the value of interest plots?


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I need help to calculate values with Interest to simulate billet payment via Picpay

According to the Picpay page,

What is the fee to pay billets? Check the fees to pay bills like Picpay:

To pay by credit card: 2.99% on the value of payment by card;

To parcel tickets: 2.99% on the value of the ticket + 3.49% on each plot;

But when doing the calculations I’m not able to find the value that it gives me in the app

var jurosPorBoleto = 2.99;
var calculado = false;
var jurosPorParcela = 0.0349;

function gerarParcelas(){
if (calculado) {
    calculado = true;
    let valor = parseFloat(document.getElementById("valor-total").value);
    if(valor == null){
        return 0;
    valor += valor*(jurosPorBoleto/100) ;

    for (let parcela = 1.00; parcela <= 12; parcela++) {

        if (parcela == 1) {
           var  valorParceladoComJuros = valor;
           var valorTotalComJuros = valor;
        } else {
            var montante = valor * Math.pow((1 + jurosPorParcela), parcela);
            var valorParceladoComJuros = montante / parcela;
            var valorTotalComJuros = montante;
        var node = document.createElement("li");
        node.setAttribute("class",  "list-group-item ")
        var textnode = document.createTextNode(parcela + "\tx \t" + parseFloat(valorParceladoComJuros).toFixed(2) +"\tTotal de R$" + parseFloat(valorTotalComJuros).toFixed(2));
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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    If you’re using float for monetary value is already wrong there, there may be others, but the question is not very specific.

  • how would be the best way for monetary values? I’ve always learned to treat it like Float. I’m needing a formula to calculate the values of a portion so that it stays the same way as Picpay, but I used the compound interest formula and I’m not getting the same result.

  • I passed a link for you to read. And then you can search more here on the site same.

1 answer


The formula for calculating interest shall be fixed instalment financing methodology.

In your case, the calculation goes like this:

var calculado = false;
var jurosPorBoleto = 0.0299;
var jurosPorParcela = 0.0349;

function gerarParcelas() {
  if (calculado) {

  calculado = true;

  let valor = parseFloat(document.getElementById("valor-total").value);

  if (valor == null) {
    return 0;

  valor += valor * jurosPorBoleto;

  for (let parcela = 1; parcela <= 12; parcela++) {
    if (parcela == 1) {
      var valorParceladoComJuros = valor;
      var valorTotalComJuros = valor;
    } else {
      var valorParceladoComJuros = valor * jurosPorParcela / (1 - Math.pow(1 + jurosPorParcela, -parcela));
      var valorTotalComJuros = valorParceladoComJuros * parcela;

    var node = document.createElement("li");
    node.setAttribute("class", "list-group-item ");

    var textnode = document.createTextNode(
      parcela +
        "\tx \t" +
        parseFloat(valorParceladoComJuros).toFixed(2) +
        "\tTotal de R$" +

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      <button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" onclick="gerarParcelas()">Gerar Parcelas</button>
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