Problems with data registration with Combobox listing and function


Viewed 48 times


I’m having great difficulties with the combobox and the use of Function in Delphi

I apologize, I am beginner in the world of programming and can not identar the code here, I will leave the code in Pastebin.


is giving error on line 49: "Not enough current Rameters"

1 answer


Good morning kingarthur.. Everything straight?:)
Man. If I understand correctly what happens is as follows..:
cmbNomes = Tcombobox... correct?
In the line below Voce wants to put inside the combobox the value of the object name property objdados.. correct?
If this is the correct mode, it is this..: cmbNomes.Items.Add(;

The function you want to use Addobject asks for two parameters..
1st Parameter- String.. Would be the ..: as you did..
2nd Parameter- Tobject
A Way to use this function would be to pass the person ID in the second parameter..
Would look like this
To recover the value of the combo would look like this..:
variavel_inteira:= integer( cmbNomes.Items.Objects[index]);

I hope I have understood your problem correctly and explained it in a clear way :)
Hugs :)

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