how to take the value of the option that was chosen?


Viewed 322 times


I am a beginner in programming and I would like to know how to take the value of the selected option and put in a variable? for example, the user chooses 'Old'. and I save his choice in a variable

<select id="cmbTempo" name="cmbTempo">
    <option value="old" >Antigas</option>
    <option value="new">Atuais</option>
    <input type="submit" name="btnOK">

3 answers


Imagine you have a select:

<select id="cmbTempo" name="cmbTempo">
    <option value="old" >Antigas</option>
    <option value="new" selected="selected">Atuais</option>
    <input type="submit" name="btnOK">

To get the numeric value of the desired option do:

var element = document.getElementById("cmbTempo");
var valorSel = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value;

This will put 'new' on valorSel. If you want to pick up the text 'Current':

var element = document.getElementById("cmbTempo");
var textoSel = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;

what will put 'Current' in the variable textSel.


How Voce wants to capture the value make your code so it works perfectly. Add the value of select in the click of your button ( removes the Submit input) and use the code like this:


<select id="cmbTempo" name="cmbTempo">
    <option value="old" >Antigas</option>
    <option value="new" selected="selected">Atuais</option>
<button type="button" name="btnOK" id="botao">gravar</button>

Now comes the javascript:


    var botao = document.getElementById('botao');
        var select = document.getElementById('cmbTempo').value;

Ready, whenever you click the button a value will be inserted in the variable "select"


An idea would be to use onchange to set the variable as soon as the user moves the select

var select   = document.getElementById("cmbTempo");
var variavel = '';
select.onchange = function(){
    variavel = this.value;
<select id="cmbTempo" name="cmbTempo">
    <option value="old" >Antigas</option>
    <option value="new" selected="selected">Atuais</option>

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