Category Names not shown. Object (1)


Viewed 56 times


Can someone help me fix why the category names are not being displayed in my admin console?

from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings

class Cad_pref(models.Model):
    nomepref = models.CharField("Nome Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
    endpref = models.CharField("Endereço Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
    numpref = models.CharField("Número Prefeitura:", max_length=10)
    telpref = models.CharField("Telefone Prefeitura:", max_length=15)
    cnpjpref = models.CharField("CNPJ:", max_length=15)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Have you tried implementing the method __str__ with the value you want?

  • I’m sorry to ignore, I searched on Django’s website and did not see about. This panel is "default" of it?

2 answers


Try it buddy:

from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings

class Cad_pref(models.Model):
nomepref = models.CharField("Nome Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
endpref = models.CharField("Endereço Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
numpref = models.CharField("Número Prefeitura:", max_length=10)
telpref = models.CharField("Telefone Prefeitura:", max_length=15)
cnpjpref = models.CharField("CNPJ:", max_length=15)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.nomepref


Fabio, you can choose the name that will appear for each Django template created by you. just implement the method:

def __str__(self): return

In your case I’d be:

from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings

class Cad_pref(models.Model):
    nomepref = models.CharField("Nome Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
    endpref = models.CharField("Endereço Prefeitura:", max_length=200)
    numpref = models.CharField("Número Prefeitura:", max_length=10)
    telpref = models.CharField("Telefone Prefeitura:", max_length=15)
    cnpjpref = models.CharField("CNPJ:", max_length=15)

 def __str__(self):
        return self.nomepref #pondo aqui o nome que você quer que apareça em seu admin

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