I’m starting to use the Python language for a survey, and as "activity" I received an XML file from my teacher and I need to "unlock" it, printing tag contents and some attributes specific to these tags. What happens is that I am very beginner in language and when trying to print these attributes I am not succeeding. Reading some other forums I arrived in a code where I can print the file tags, but not its attributes, since the file is an example of PLN, where each tag represents a node with its attributes like id, word, text, lemma and etc. I will leave here the code, the current output and a piece of my file for better understanding of the problem.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import requests
arquivo = "C1_Extrato_2_Palavras.xml"
tree = ET.parse(arquivo)
root = tree.getroot()
filtro = "*"
for child in root.iter(filtro):
print(child.tag, child.text)
for child in root.findall("body"):
for esse in child.findall("graph"):
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
t None
edge None
edge None
edge None
edge None
edge None
Part of the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s id="s1" ref="1" source="Running text" forest="1" text="Um acidente aéreo na localidade de Bukavu, no leste da República Democrática do Congo, matou 17 pessoas na quinta-feira à tarde, informou hoje um porta-voz das Nações Unidas.">
<graph root="s1_500">
<t id="s1_1" word="Um" lemma="um" pos="art" morph="M S" extra="* "/>
<t id="s1_2" word="acidente" lemma="acidente" pos="n" morph="M S" sem="event" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_3" word="aéreo" lemma="aéreo" pos="adj" morph="M S" extra="nh np-close"/>
<t id="s1_4" word="em" lemma="em" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam- np-long"/>
<t id="s1_5" word="a" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="F S" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_6" word="localidade" lemma="localidade" pos="n" morph="F S" sem="Labs Lciv" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_7" word="de" lemma="de" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="np-close"/>
<t id="s1_8" word="Bukavu" lemma="Bukavu" pos="prop" morph="M/F S" extra="civ * heur"/>
<t id="s1_9" word="," lemma="--" pos="pu" morph="--" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_10" word="em" lemma="em" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam-"/>
<t id="s1_11" word="o" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="M S" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_12" word="leste" lemma="leste" pos="n" morph="M S" sem="dir" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_13" word="de" lemma="de" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam- np-close"/>
<t id="s1_14" word="a" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="F S" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_15" word="República_Democrática_do_Congo" lemma="República_Democrática_do_Congo" pos="prop" morph="F S" extra="civ *"/>
<t id="s1_16" word="," lemma="--" pos="pu" morph="--" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_17" word="matou" lemma="matar" pos="v-fin" morph="PS 3S IND VFIN" extra="cjt-head cjt-head-STA fmc mv"/>
<t id="s1_18" word="17" lemma="17" pos="num" morph="F P" extra="card"/>
<t id="s1_19" word="pessoas" lemma="pessoa" pos="n" morph="F P" sem="H" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_20" word="em" lemma="em" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam-"/>
<t id="s1_21" word="a" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="F S" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_22" word="quinta-feira" lemma="quinta-feira" pos="n" morph="F S" sem="temp" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_23" word="a" lemma="a" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam-"/>
<t id="s1_24" word="a" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="F S" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_25" word="tarde" lemma="tarde" pos="n" morph="F S" sem="per" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_26" word="," lemma="--" pos="pu" morph="--" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_27" word="informou" lemma="informar" pos="v-fin" morph="PS 3S IND VFIN" extra="nosubj nosubj cjt-STA vH fmc mv"/>
<t id="s1_28" word="hoje" lemma="hoje" pos="adv" morph="--" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_29" word="um" lemma="um" pos="art" morph="M S" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_30" word="porta-voz" lemma="porta-voz" pos="n" morph="M S" sem="tool Hprof" extra="--"/>
<t id="s1_31" word="de" lemma="de" pos="prp" morph="--" extra="sam-"/>
<t id="s1_32" word="as" lemma="o" pos="art" morph="F P" extra="-sam "/>
<t id="s1_33" word="Nações_Unidas" lemma="Nações_Unidas" pos="prop" morph="F P" extra="org * newlex"/>
<t id="s1_34" word="." lemma="--" pos="pu" morph="--" extra="--"/>
<nt id="s1_500" cat="s">
<edge label="STA" idref="s1_501"/>
<nt id="s1_501" cat="par">
<edge label="CJT" idref="s1_502"/>
<edge label="PU" idref="s1_26"/>
<edge label="CJT" idref="s1_516"/>
<edge label="PU" idref="s1_34"/>
Sorry for the size of the question and the formatting of the same, it is the first time I ask a question here (including accept tips/ touches).
Thanks for the tip, I used some functions I found in the documentation, and the solution was something similar to this code of yours. But the code got shorter because of what I needed was a simple thing and I just wasn’t using the right available functions.
– Yago Alves