Convert JSON String to an Object - Java Android


Viewed 72 times


Hello, I’m getting the JSON string below, but I can’t put the values in the Class I created, all values are null.

Any hint?


         "name":"Dólar Turismo",
         "create_date":"2019-05-17 16:39:00"

Making the deserialization:

// Deserialization
            //Gson gson = new Gson();
            Moedas moedaDia = new Gson().fromJson(response.json, Moedas.class);

            String line = "";


Class Coins

    public class Moedas {
        public List<MoedaDia> USD;

        public Moedas( List<MoedaDia> USD) {
            this.USD = USD;

        public List<MoedaDia> getValue() {
            return USD;

        public void setValue(List<MoedaDia> value) {
            this.USD = value;


    public class MoedaDia {

        public String code; //": "BRL",
        public String codein; //": "BRL",
        public String name; //": "Dólar Comercial",
        public float high; //": "3,9766",
        public float low; //": "3,9748",
        public float varBid;  //": "0,0021",
        public float pctChange;  //: "0,05",
        public float bid; //": "3,9765",
        public float ask; //": "3,9767",
        public String timestamp;  //": "1557873008",
        public String create_date; //": "2019-05-14 21:00:05"

        public MoedaDia(String code, String codein, String name, float high, float low, float varBid, float pctChange, float bid, float ask, String timestamp, String create_date) {
                this.code = code;
                this.codein = codein;
       = name;
                this.high = high;
                this.low = low;
                this.varBid = varBid;
                this.pctChange = pctChange;
       = bid;
                this.ask = ask;
                this.timestamp = timestamp;
                this.create_date = create_date;
  • I found this error I tried the following Solutions: 1) Turning on/off serializeNulls() in my typeadapater while serializing Certain Fields like Follows: Boolean Current = out.getSerializeNulls(); out.setSerializeNulls(true);"fieldName"). value(someValue); out.setSerializeNulls(false); This didn’t work Unfortunately. 2) Creating two Different Gson’s with serializeNulls setup differently. Then when serializing Choosing between the two gson’s based on what I was serializing. That littered my code and seems inefficient because of the Reflection.

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Class Coins

public class Moedas {

    public USD USD;

    public getUSD() {
        return USD;

    public void setUSD( USD) {
        this.USD = USD;

Class USD

public class USD {

    public String code; //": "BRL",
    public String codein; //": "BRL",
    public String name; //": "Dólar Comercial",
    public String high; //": "3,9766",
    public String low; //": "3,9748",
    public String varBid;  //": "0,0021",
    public String pctChange;  //: "0,05",
    public String bid; //": "3,9765",
    public String ask; //": "3,9767",
    public String timestamp;  //": "1557873008",
    public String create_date; //": "2019-05-14 21:00:05"

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public void setCode(String code) {
        this.code = code;

    public String getCodein() {
        return codein;

    public void setCodein(String codein) {
        this.codein = codein;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getHigh() {
        return high;

    public void setHigh(String high) {
        this.high = high;

    public String getLow() {
        return low;

    public void setLow(String low) {
        this.low = low;

    public String getVarBid() {
        return varBid;

    public void setVarBid(String varBid) {
        this.varBid = varBid;

    public String getPctChange() {
        return pctChange;

    public void setPctChange(String pctChange) {
        this.pctChange = pctChange;

    public String getBid() {
        return bid;

    public void setBid(String bid) { = bid;

    public String getAsk() {
        return ask;

    public void setAsk(String ask) {
        this.ask = ask;

    public String getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp;

    public void setTimestamp(String timestamp) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp;

    public String getCreate_date() {
        return create_date;

    public void setCreate_date(String create_date) {
        this.create_date = create_date;

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