Error changing label - Javafx


Viewed 63 times


I’m trying to change a label lbl1 by the FXML controller builder method.

public class TestController extends Application {

private Label lbl1;

public TestController()




public void start(Stage primaryStage) 


public static void main(String[] args) 


When trying to change the label text, the following error occurs:

javafx.fxml.Loadexception: /D:/Users/Gabriel%20August/eclipse-Workspace/Dialog/bin/FXML/Test.fxml:10

at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.constructLoadException( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.loadImpl( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.loadImpl( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.load( at application.test.start( at com.sun.javafx.application.Launcherimpl.lambda$launchApplication1$166( at com.sun.javafx.application.Platformimpl.lambda$runAndWait$179( at com.sun.javafx.application.Platformimpl.lambda$null$177( at Method) at com.sun.javafx.application.Platformimpl.lambda$runLater$178( at com.sun.Glass.ui.Invokelaterdispatcher$ at _runLoop(Native Method) at$null$152( at Source) Caused by:java.lang.Nullpointerexception at application.TestController.( at sun.reflect.Nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.Nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.Delegatingconstructoraccessorimpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.Misc.ReflectUtil.newInstance(Unknown Source) at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader$Valueelement.processAttribute( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader$Instancedeclarationelement.processAttribute( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader$Element.processStartElement( at javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader$Valueelement.processStartElement( javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.processStartElement( javafx.fxml.Fxmlloader.loadImpl( ... 12 more

The controller is properly configured to FXML. The error occurs when trying to change the label text contained in FXML.

1 answer


Try using the MVC standard, where you separate your view from the controller.

From what I’ve seen, you’re using a controller to start the application, which you don’t. you must use a Main (extends Application) only to start your main screen.

And in turn this main screen (view(FXML)) has to have a controller that will control everything from your screen.

being like this:


public class Main extends Application {
    carregar sua FXML principal...

in the main view FXML you arrow the fx:controller="..."

This controller will have the reference if your Label:

private Label lbl1;

so you can set the text you want and following the patterns...

Ah, and implement Initializable in your control class to change the label:

public class SUA_CONTROLLER implements Initializable{

    private Label lbl1;;

    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {

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