AWS with Route 53 - Domain with WWW does not work and neither does HTTPS


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It’s my first experience with AWS and it’s been really complicated. I have no domain for machine assembly, no DNS routing, and what I’ve achieved so far is creating an instance of Beanstalk, configuring the MYSQL database and uploading the site.

In the testing phase, the solution works without any fault.

Route 53 was configured, then NS’s information was recorded in for domain propagation.

Route53 Route53 Dashboard - Configuration was done on both Url’s with and without www.

Result: No use of www., it works. With use of www. no return. And in no case did the SSL certificate generated by Certificate Manager work.

Certificate Manager Certificate Manager panel, also created for the two URL’s own SSL certificates.

Using Dnschecker, I detected that the URL using www is directed to the old server (hostgator) of the site, there being the correct propagation to the new hosting server.

How can I proceed? My client’s plan is BASIC and I don’t have the support.

2 answers


After backing up your current setup, try:

  1. Remove all website entries with www.
  2. Create a Type A record with the www address pointing as ALIAS to your www-free address.
  • I did this. In DNS Checker, it is pointing to the correct IP apparently. But when trying to access via browser, it gives timeout. Is it just the spread of DNS?

  • DNS propagation would only impact IP resolution. Apparently the problem now is with Elasticbeanstalker. It has some configuration related to the certificate and Cnames?


It’s a little strange these settings. The same set of DNS servers specifically solve two domains? www is just a subdomain. I would create DNS Servers to solve the root domain, which in your case is and would redirect 301 of the version with www to the root version. Here is a set of articles that explains about this. Take a look, maybe it’ll help you.



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