How to fix error num_rows Property


Viewed 29 times


Folks I have a question regarding this error:

Notice: Trying to get Property 'num_rows' of non-object in C: xampp htdocs control inc database.php on line 94.

Follows part of the code.

function find( $table = null, $id_tag = null ) {            
    $database = open_database();        
    $found = null;          

    try {         
        if ($id_tag) {         
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE id= " . $id_tag;            
             $result = $database->query($sql);                      

             if ($result->num_rows > 0) {             
                 $found = $result->fetch_assoc();           
            } else {                       
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $table;          
                $result = $database->query($sql);                       
             **if ($result->num_rows > 0) {           
                $found = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);**                            

         } catch (Exception $e) {         
            $_SESSION['message'] = $e->GetMessage();          
            $_SESSION['type'] = 'danger';     }             
            return $found;  
  • 1

    that mistake means that $result does not contain property num_rows i.e., the query is returning some error attempts follow this example take care to close the result set after the query

  • Basically the query failed because the table or the field does not exist. As far as I see in the parameters can be null what makes SQL potentially select * from null where id = null. Do var_dump($sql) before the execution of query to see exactly the command that is running and realize the problem.

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