Configure sublime 3 to compile Nodejs


Viewed 369 times


Hello! I’m 2 days looking for a solution to make the sublime 3 compile a Nodejs app that I have. I have tried several solutions found on the internet (,15700021,15700186,15700191,15700253,15700256,15700259&usg=ALkJrhhnN4swHs8Krs8kGzFJr8RHZMrjPw) I use 32-bit Windws 7, and I’ve downloaded Nodejs, as well as Typescript. The error that gives is:" OK: the "Node.exe" process with PID 8256 has been completed." Would anyone know any way to fix it? Thanks for your help!

1 answer


Show ÒXITO: o processo "node.exe" com PID 8256 foi finalizado. is not an error. The plugin Nodejs executes a command before taskkill /F /IM node.exe to end a previous Ode process opened, then it runs node c:\caminho\para\arquivo.js.

When taskkill cannot find the process will appear ERRO: o processo "node.exe" nÆo foi encontrado. or if you find an already open process appears ÒXITO: o processo "node.exe" com PID 8256 foi finalizado. and then the script is executed normally.

Make sure Nodejs is configured on PATH.

Executar sem um processo node aberto

Com um processo node já aberto

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