Files do not appear after deleting gitignore


Viewed 112 times


I created a repository locally, but before uploading the files into the server repository I used sourcetree to ignore files that I didn’t need to upload and then he created one. gitignore, however I deleted this file and now the previously ignored files are still ignored even without the file. gitignore.

I already recreated deleted the repository I created again, I redid the whole folder and nothing.

Can anyone tell me what it might be?

1 answer


I think you need to commit the change you made (delete the .gitignore file) and then manually add the files that were in gitignore.

I believe if you execute the command git add . should work. If it doesn’t work try git add <pasta que estava no gitignore >.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • I tried and did not solve, gitignore went up but blank and still it does not go up what I ignored before, when I give the command add it appears the message of the files that are being ignored but in the new gitignore file has nothing.

  • Try git add -f <files>. This -f (or -force) file adds files even if they are still in gitignore.

  • I found the problem and solved according to this article When we put to ignore a file on Sourcetree as global it create one . gitignore it to ignore files globally, in the git settings in the program itself I removed what I was ignoring and it worked.

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