Nameerror: name 'mostrar_urls' is not defined


Viewed 665 times


Good afternoon!
I’m trying to develop a project/idea I had, only when I went to put the "menubar" in other "parts of the programme" the program does not "whether" run further, can anyone help me resolve this error?


Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/tkinter/", line 1705, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "", line 21, in ajuda_redes
    ajuda.add_command(label='URLs', command=mostrar_urls)
NameError: name 'mostrar_urls' is not defined

Yes, I did give from import mostrar_urls * in
And yes, the files and are in the same folder.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "deep-web-url-aleatoria-develop/src/", line 6, in <module>
    from mostrar_urls import mostrar_urls
  File "deep-web-url-aleatoria-develop/src/", line 5, in <module>
    from ajuda_redes import ajuda_redes
  File "deep-web-url-aleatoria-develop/src/", line 5, in <module>
    from mostrar_urls import mostrar_urls
ImportError: cannot import name 'mostrar_urls' from 'mostrar_urls' (deep-web-url-aleatoria-develop/src/

Guys, I was able to solve the error(s), I switched the "snippets" who were "making a mistake":
from arquivo_exemplo import funcao_exemplo
p/ import funcao_exemplo
exemplo.add_command(label='exemplo', command=funcao_exemplo)
p/ exemplo.add_command(label='exemplo', command=arquivo_exemplo.funcao_exemplo)

I just don’t understand why I can’t put in all three files (, and otherwise (recommended by PEP8):

from arquivo_exemplo import funcao_exemplo
exemplo.add_command(label='exemplo', command=funcao_exemplo)

Thus "gives" the Import of EDIT(1), unless it is placed only in

  • If you need to link one branch entire in your question, you urgently need to read about creating a [mcve].

  • @Andersoncarloswoss, okay, thanks for the tip.

1 answer


One way is to specify the function you want to use from the file arquivo_exemplo thus: from arquivo_exemplo import função_que_quero_chamar. In this case, when calling the function, you do not need to point out where it comes from. In your case, just do:

from mostrar_urls import mostrar_urls
ajuda.add_command(label='URLs', command=mostrar_urls) # continua igual

Note that this way follows the good practices defined by Pep8, as can be seen here, makes clear the names of the imported functions.

  • I would like to thank you for your reply, particularly on the PEP 8, but now it’s "giving" another error =/ , I will edit the "body of the question", since there is no p/ error "current" complete here.

  • On the example of from arquivo import *, I believe you’re mistaken when it comes to the use of arquivo.funcao_somar(1, 2), for example. When using "*", we should only use the function name. That is, in my example the correct call would be funcao_somar(1, 2).

  • 1

    Really @Breno, thanks for pointing out.

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