Use parameter that contains a current date formula at the data source


Viewed 90 times


I get extraction files from the database in . csv format with default:


A new folder is created every day, so to automate this in power BI, in the orgiem of the data I made the command below:

= Csv.Document(File.Contents(pCaminho & DateTime.ToText(DateTime.LocalNow(), "dd-MM-yyyy") & "\2_areas_tematicas.csv"),[Delimiter="#(tab)", Columns=6, Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])

I would like to put this whole date command in a parameter, just like I did with the directory footpath, but he won’t accept:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Anyone who can help, I’d be most grateful.

  • I believe it’s because of the quotation marks.

  • Breno, I removed/changed the quotation marks. It didn’t work

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