Regex in Zabbix 4.2 Web Scenario


Viewed 415 times


How to recover values with regex from the return of a web scenario in Zabbix that calls an API. Web Scenario is for testing web pages and Apis in Zabbix.

I already have the regular expression that recovers the value and according to the Zabbix documentation, I just need to pass the expression this way: regex: w{54} documentation, but it does not recover the Answer, it does not understand the expression. Below the step setting:


Error: error in step variables "{access_token}=regex:[A-Za-z0-9]{54} {be}=Bearer ": cannot extract the value of "{access_token}" from response

Return of the API, from which I need to recover the access_token:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • put the part of the code referring to the error. So it is easier to understand and help you

  • so there’s no code itself, it’s td configured in Zabbix, I added the API’s Sponse, maybe that’s what you meant.

1 answer


After analyzing the documentation and finding a very scrotum example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And finding q is not like this example, rs. Anyway it helped me, note that after the content="(.. has this parenthesis and that’s when I took the test and it worked, but look how was the final result:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My rule of speech is: \w{54} and I tested as the documentation below, that it should be like this: regex:access_token is (\w{54}), but that doesn’t work, at least for my case:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Summary: Use regex this way: regex:"(\w{54})" remembering that we are talking about the Zabbix Web Scenario and its regular expression should be inside the parentheses.

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