int storage in c


Viewed 139 times


I’m starting in C and making a program that records some information (all this information goes to a file). each record has a registration number, starting with the record 0001. The problem is that I am trying to store the number of the last record made in another file, to know what will be the next registration number so that each time I register a complaint the number of the previous claim is the number + 1 link pro full code

FILE *total;
numero_reclamacao = 1;
total = fopen("total.txt", "a+b");

                    fscanf(total , "%d", &numero_reclamacao);//lendo o ultimo
                }                                            //n de reclamacao

numero_reclamacao += 1;//incrementando + 1           

registrar(numero_reclamacao,outros parametros);//funcao que registra

fprintf(total, "%d", numero_reclamacao);//escrevendo no arquivo o último n de 
                                         //reclamacao usado


what is happening is that whenever I register a complaint her number is 1, it never goes to 2, 3, 4, etc

  • If it is a text file why you specify binary (option b) in fopen?

  • it was just to test, but with or without the b I have the same problem

  • first thing: fix code indentation...with sloppy indentation becomes more difficult to the code is incomplete...not that it is to put 500 lines, but at least the full function, and/or the full main function would help more understanding

  • What is the content of the file after at least one run?

  • link to full code

  • the contents of the file were to be 1 in the first run, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, etc

  • I did not ask what was to be but rather the actual contents of the file after some executions.

  • stays always what was already there, if I put 10, will always register the complaint 10 and will never record 11 in the file, if there is nothing in the file gets always 0, never increases

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1 answer


If fscanf is running, then the contents of the file where you store the last record are blank or not being read properly... and fscanf ends up writing the value 0 in the variable. Because of this, the variable is always set to 1 after increment.

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