Use of classes


Viewed 67 times


Good morning, you guys!
I wonder if it is a good practice to apply classes to an HTML tag, just to use with Javascript, without using this class in CSS, for example.

$(document).ready(function () {
         $('.card1, .card2, .card3').hover(
            function () {
                  marginTop: "-=1%",
               }, 200);
            function () {
                  marginTop: "50px",
               }, 150);

Classes (card1, card2 and card3) are not used in CSS.

2 answers


I can not say this quoting some author, but what I can say is that people will be happy if you do not use a class and I will justify.

In HTML5 we have the data-attributes, He in my opinion are ideas for this type of solution, because they are in the scope of HTML, and not CSS. This will prevent anyone from searching the CSS for something that is not there. This technique has been widely used by various System Design Frameworks such as Bootstrap and Materializa for example, and other JS with jQuery plugin and components in general.

Here you can read about the data-attributes:

For example look at the code of this Bootstrap button used to make a Collapse, see how it has several data- (documentation link)

<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseExample" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">
    Button with data-target

In JS you can access them with var atributo = element.getAttribute(nomeDoAtributo);

In addition, there are JS methods to work with such attributes as Element​.get​Attribute() and make a dataset

The estate HTMLElement.dataset allows access, in read and write mode, to all custom data attributes (date-*) in the element. It is a map of Domstring, with an entry for each custom data attribute.


In practice

Example of the use of dataset. Look at the tag <button> I have a data-nome="" and a data-num="", and in the JS I call them with .dataset.nome and .dataset.num

var btn = document.querySelector('button');
btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    console.log('oi "' + btn.dataset.nome+'"', 'e "' + btn.dataset.num + '" são...');
<button data-nome="meu nome" data-num="meu numero">clique aqui!</button>

In jQuery you can select them as

<div data-id></div>
$( "div" ).attr("data-id")

Tb is worth knowing about the .data() available on jQuery

<div data-role="page"></div>
$( "div" ).data( "role" ) === "page";

My tip is to avoid as much as possible a CSS class just to be used as a selector in JS. This will make the code confusing, poor maintenance and inaccurate. I do not believe it is a good Pattern design

  • 1

    Thank you very much, Hugo! Sanou my doubt completely!

  • @I’m a designer, not a dev. and whenever I see classes used for this purpose I do not agree, harms the work, makes it difficult to maintain and understand. Having Data doesn’t make sense to use a css class as a JS selector. Read the links have things that can open your mind even more! Abs [] s


For ease in development the best way to identify a specific html tag is to use the property id for being a unique identifier, classes are used in cases where you will manipulate various objects that have things in common, almost in the same concept of a class in POO.

  • 1

    ID is not sustainable, imagine that several elements will have the same behavior, if you are going to use ID, you will have to declare ALL in JS, because they are unique, imagine now for 100 elements, as your JS would be with 100 different Ids in the end? Data- may be the same in qq element, it is not unique. I don’t think using ID as selector is good practice in general.

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