Return parameters from another form via click


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I’m playing a poker game in C#, but I’m not able to establish a communication between 2 Forms, so the formPrincipal receives values from formSecundario, using the player class that exists in formPrincipal only I am calling the formSecundario sending the main as parameter(I believe this way I can access the class)

Contextualizing: at the time the player is in his turn and wants to increase his bet I open a new form asking him to enter the amount he wants to increase and if he confirms that he wants to send even.

frmAumentar aumento = new frmAumentar(this);
aumento.ShowDialog();//Isso no formPrincipal

While in formSecundario I’m getting like this

    public frmAumentar(frmPokerGame principal)

But I need that in the button1 click event it sends the parameters of a textbox that is in the form. But I do not know how to send to the player.Balance the amount he has increased.

1 answer


Part of frmPrincipal:

public partial class frmPrincipal : Form
        public Jogador jogador { get; set; }

        public frmPrincipal()

            jogador = new Jogador();
            jogador.NomeJogador = "Nome do Jogador";
            jogador.Valor = "50.00";

        private void btnAlterarValor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmAumentar aumento = new frmAumentar(this);

            txtValor.Text = jogador.Valor;

        private void frmPrincipal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtNome.Text = jogador.NomeJogador;
            txtValor.Text = jogador.Valor;

Part of frmAumentar

public partial class frmAumentar : Form

        private frmPrincipal _principal { get; set; }
        public frmAumentar(frmPrincipal principal)

            _principal = principal;

        private void btnAlterarValor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _principal.jogador.Valor = txtvalor.Text;

Player class

public class Jogador
        public string NomeJogador { get; set; }
        public string Valor { get; set; }
  • Thank you Daniel Gama you helped me so much

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