How do callbacks and anonymous functions work in PHP?


Viewed 171 times


Good afternoon,

  1. How an anonymous PHP function works?

  2. How does the callback in PHP?

  3. How to work the two together? (anonymous and callback)

    I studied a little Javascript and found it very different in PHP to apply these callback, seem to be more complex than in Javascript, could give me a definition and examples, as I consulted the documentation ( and I didn’t really understand.

1 answer


As anonymous functions PHP works similarly as function expressions (Function Expression) javascript.

To anonymous function is usually used as a callback but is not restricted to this, it can also be used in specific cases of your code, for example:

Perform a specific behavior within a function that will be useful only for this scope.

$addition = function($num1, $num2) {
    return $num1 + $num2;

echo $addition(5, 5); //10

To Callback is the use of a function as a parameter of another function, allowing the use of callback as soon as necessary. A good example of using a callback is the function array_map.

public function getFilename()
    $files = ['wallpaper', 'user-photo', 'nude'];

    $appendJpg = function($name) {
        return $name . '.jpg';

    $filesJpg = array_map($appendJpg, $files);

    print_r($filesJpg); //Array ( [0] => wallpaper.jpg [1] => user-photo.jpg [2] => nude.jpg )

Anonymous functions implemented from the PHP 5.3 version produce objects of the type Closure which offers methods for handling the function. A Closure allows inheriting variables from the parent scope (scope of the function where closure is declared) using the instruction use.

$name = 'Victor';

$fullName = function($lastName) use ($name) {
    return "$name $lastName";

echo $fullName('Carnaval'); //Victor Carnaval

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