Indexing in google TAG H1


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Good morning.

As far as my knowledge goes google indexes the a H1 tag, as I do the text I want to index related to the site is in the middle of p but would like the tag <h1> follow the font formatting and p tag size.

I tried in css h1 {display: none;} /H1

Site link as it is today, in fact I will eliminate the <h1> today and put as H2 I have tested turned cool, ae in the middle of a p I will select a part of the text as h1 only that I want it to follow the formatting of the paragraph.

The problem is that my site does not appear in the surveys, until I paid $ 100,00 on Adwords to see if improved did not result.

  • Do you know Have a look .

  • I looked at your site, put the same class of the tag "p" in the tag "h", it would look like this: <H1 class="lead"> your text </H1>, remove the tag <H7> because in HTML is H1 to H6, follow the link of the html api of the tags Headings

  • Another tip would be to put your site to run on your server on HTPPS/SSL protocol, today is requirement to be at the top of Google search.

  • About the schema I did not understand very well, but I put the site as HTTPS/Ssl, I’ll see if it improves on google.

  • About H7 I created pq she has a customization in css, I already used the other tags I don’t know if it’s a problem.

  • The schema issue is something more advanced and very powerful for this function, but there are other simpler ways, Hugocsl gave good tips, I saw your site quickly. Search for SEO like he said and use the most biting browsers, the tools included in them, like in Google Chrome > developer tools > Audits ... you can do an auto scan and it shows you a lot of cool stuff... there are numerous tools, good luck.

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Dude, I think you have to read a little bit about SEO and HTML, before you go messing with things, it’s better to do it calmly and then evaluate the results, like an A/B test, than to move around not being sure what you’re doing.... I will suggest that read at least the links that I quote here, will help you a lot, because they are basic concepts!

First, in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) what has more weight is the tag <title> and not the tag <h1>, what Google will show is the text on <titel> within your <head>, read more about SERP here:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The other text that will appear in the SERP is the description of the page, and this is done with the meta tag Description

<meta name="description" content="A description of the page" />

You can read more about this type of tag in this Google website:

In addition there are a number of good practices to build your Title and Description tag, such as not putting more than 60 characters for Title and more than 160 for Description, I suggest you read this article

NOTE: These numbers usually change, because Google usually changes the SERP layout leaving more or less characters available, stay informed about these changes...’s tip is very interesting, as well as studying a little about Rich Snippets and Meta Data / Structured Data, this will help to further improve your presentation on the SERP, but it does not guarantee in anything its improvement in the rankings! I will not go into this matter here, because it is not the focus.

About HTML

A <h1> in the middle of a <p> doesn’t make much sense, and it’s not very semantic... how do you want to have a title in the middle of a paragraph? This sounds as wrong as it actually is. A title is a part element and must be separated from the paragraph, the text comes after the title, and it can be an H2 if you need a sub-title or P with the same running text. You can still put H1 and P inside a <section> to say that one is connected directly to the other.

  • Thanks for the tips, I wanted to do this, I would like, it was indexed in google, referring to the paragraph and not the title of the site, but I’m studying seeing that is better.

  • @Caiocésarrubo no problem, if you read at least the links I posted there, will give you a good idea of things. Then if you think my answer answers your question, remember to mark on this icon below the little arrows next to my answer. Then if another answer comes up that you judge better you can change that. Good studies and if you have another question just post another question or comment here.

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