I decided to make an app in Swift this time, and as usual I use my custom control (Menuview). In objc I know how it works and everything worked, in Swift I followed all the steps, import in bridging-header. h, and put the Menuviewdelegate I created too.
So far so good, no mistake
When I put the command I created in control
func MenuView(MenuView: MenuView!, didTouch sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer!) {
appeared the following error:(Use of undeclared type 'Menuview') pointing out all lines that contained the object of "Menuview"
How do I fix this ?? I did something wrong, forgot something... Thanks in advance for some help.
In fact, the error is gone. But when this action is started the error app on line 14 (fatal error). What can be ??
– Rivas
I don’t understand your doubt. The app will break for sure because that’s what line 14 does. If you remove the
that is breaking (line 13 to 15) will not break anymore.– Douglas Ferreira