I have two tables, "Contact" and "Pedvenda", how can I make a query that manages during a period, for example, from 01/01/2019 to 30/01/2019 the quantity of sales between 10:00h and 16:00h each day 01/01, 02/01, 03/01 and so on until 30/01? The "Contact" table I mentioned because I need to get the name of the customer that is on it.
That way I can take the whole period and also I can run the query considering only the day, but I wanted to know if I can solve everything in just a query from 01/01/2019 to 30/01/2019 picking up every day.
SELECT P.PvCod, C.ContNome, P.EmpCod, P.PvDatHor, P.PvStatus, P.PvValTot
FROM PedVend P, Contato C
WHERE P.ContCod = C.ContCod
and P.EmpCod = 55
and P.PvDatHor BETWEEN '26/12/2018 10:00:00' and '26/12/2018 16:00:01'
Put the desired period in the BETWEEN, add a GROUP BY clause per day and use the COUNT aggregation function.
– anonimo
So, to get this right, I would have to add the GROUP BY clause at the end of WHERE and in SELECT use the COUNT function ? If this is an error saying that the other SELECT fields are invalid in the selection list because they do not use aggregation function.
Your doubt would be in the Where clause?
– Augusto Henrique
This, along with the GROUP BY function
WHERE (P.Pvdathor BETWEEN @DATAINICIO AND GETDATE()) AND (DATEPART(HOUR, P.Pvdathor) BETWEEN 10 AND 16) Try this on the date of your Where. And I think there is no need to use group by, depending on your need
– Augusto Henrique