CSV file reading and vector line storage


Viewed 234 times


I need to read a csv file and store each one line of the file into different vectors. After that, convert these vectors to new csv files.

The problem is that my code generates two vectors with data from columns of csv.

What I’m trying to do is:

import os
import csv



file = csv.reader(open(arquivo,'r'))
for row in file:

What could I do?

1 answer



If I got it right, Voce can do using Dataframe pandas to read the file and then convert the values to type list python. I created an example to show this, as Voce did not exemplify csv, I simulated one with only 3 columns and 4 rows, I read the file to a DataFrame and in the end I create 3 'vectors', one with all lines, and the other two alternating one line for each one.

import pandas as pd
import io

s = ''' 
Lena,Luthor, 9-8888-8888
Peter,Gabriel, 9-9999-9999

# Lendo o csv 
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s), usecols=['Nome', 'Sobrenome', 'Telefone'])

# Imprimindo o resultado

print('','Vetor com todas as linhas:', df.values.tolist(), sep='\n')
print('','Vetor com as linhas nas posicoes pares:',df.values.tolist()[::2], sep='\n') 
print('','Vetor com as linhas nas posicoes impares:',df.values.tolist()[1::2], sep='\n')


     Nome Sobrenome      Telefone
0    Foo       Bar   9-6666-6666
1   John       Doe   9-7777-7777
2   Lena    Luthor   9-8888-8888
3  Peter   Gabriel   9-9999-9999

Vetor com todas as linhas:
[['Foo', 'Bar', '9-6666-6666'], ['John', 'Doe', '9-7777-7777'], ['Lena', 'Luthor', ' 9-8888-8888'], ['Peter', 'Gabriel', ' 9-9999-9999']]

Vetor com os elementos nas posicoes pares:
[['Foo', 'Bar', '9-6666-6666'], ['Lena', 'Luthor', ' 9-8888-8888']]

Vetor com os elementos nas posicoes impares:
[['John', 'Doe', '9-7777-7777'], ['Peter', 'Gabriel', ' 9-9999-9999']]

See working on repl.it.

  • Wow, for me to keep trying to help, could you explain why the downvote?

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