Request whole numbers and count even and odd numbers


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"Make a program that asks the user 5 integer numbers and, to final, enter the amount of odd numbers and pairs read."

I’m having a hard time on this issue, I really don’t know how to get it up until then:

for n1 in range(5):
    n1 = input("Digite um numero:")

But I don’t think that’s how you start it. (Remembering that I use Python in Pycharm)

  • 3

    What you’ve already done?

  • In that case, which parts do you you already know do?

  • 1

    Hello @Mel, Welcome to Sopt, before you start a look at our [Tour] =D, now about your question, it will be more welcomed by the community if you add more information like: I’m having second thoughts on that part ..., I’ve been able to do that so far .... Your question is currently asking someone to do the exercise for you. [Ask]

  • print('Contagem de pares e ímpares, respectivamente:', *map(sum, zip(*((int(n) % 2 == 0, int(n) % 2 != 0) for n in input('Informe 5 números separados por espaço: ').split()))))

  • There’s a delete link in the question if you want. But I edited the content and I’m reopening, who knows now you can’t get an answer?

2 answers


From what I understand, you need to implement a program that receives 5 numbers inteiros and then, exiba the amount of values pares and ímpares that were typed. Well, the correct algorithm is just below.

# Iniciando as variáveis contadoras:
numeros_pares = numeros_impares = 0
for c in range(1, 6):
    # Capturando e tratando os valores digitados:
    while True:
            n = int(input(f'Digite o {c}º número: '))
            print('\033[31mValor INVÁLIDO! Digite apenas números inteiros!\033[m')

    # Verificando se cada número digitado é par ou ímpar:
    if n % 2 == 0:
        # Contando os números pares:
        numeros_pares += 1
        # Contando os números ímpares:
        numeros_impares += 1

# Imprimindo a quantidade de números pares e ímpares:
print(f'\033[32mA quantidade de números pares é: {numeros_pares}')
print(f'A quantidade de números ímpares é: {numeros_impares}\033[m')

See here the functioning of the algorithm.

Note that this program has a tratamento of errors and exceptions. Because, it only allows numbers inteiros.

Then it counts the numbers pares and ímpares to subsequently display their quantities.


You were on the right track.

Let’s start by creating two variables to count how many even and odd numbers are reported.

contador_pares = 0
contador_impares = 0

Then we loop asking for the numbers pro user, following the approach you had started on your attempt.

for i in range(5):
    entrada = input('Digite um numero: ')

    numero = int(entrada)

    if numero % 2 == 0:
        contador_pares += 1
        contador_impares += 1

Note that inside the loop you need to convert the input to int, because the return of function input It’s a string, and we need a number. Also, to test if a number is even, we make its module by 2. If the module is 0 it means that it is divisible by 2 and therefore is even.

After the loop, simply display the results.

print('Quantidade pares:', contador_pares)
print('Quantidade impares:', contador_impares)

Follow the full code.

contador_pares = 0
contador_impares = 0

for i in range(5):
    entrada = input('Digite um numero: ')

    numero = int(entrada)

    if numero % 2 == 0:
        contador_pares += 1
        contador_impares += 1

print('Quantidade pares:', contador_pares)
print('Quantidade impares:', contador_impares)

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