Input Type - Suggest


Viewed 185 times


You can capture the typed text in an Edit with the Input property Type = Suggest when there is no ItemValue valid?


Trn Modelo {ModeloID, ModeloNome}
Trn Objeto {ObjetoID, ObjetoNome, ModeloID*}

*ModeloID = Edit (Input Type: Suggest; Item Values: ModeloID; Item Descriptions: ModeloNome)

Table Model

1 - Model 01

2 - Model 02

When registering an Object and typing 'Model 03'. Return 'There is no Model'.

How to Capture the String 'Template 03'?

Following example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Gx Ev3 upgrade 1 + C#

1 answer


If you want to exchange the message, simply create a rule: refmsg('Modelo não cadastrado.',ModeloID);

An error rule if the modeloid.isempty() should also work.

  • The ai focus is not error message, but capture the typed text and insert into the table.

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