Pick up and save a Class by specifying only the beginning of it


Viewed 50 times


Hey, how you doing? I would like to store in a variable, among several classes of this example, the class that begins with SHOWCASE. I don’t want to store html. I want to store the class name!

<a class = "classe1 classe2 vitrine-12457" href="link01">Conteudo 1</a>
<a class = "classe1 vitrine-12458 classe3" href="link02">conteudo 2</a>
<a class = "classe1 vitrine-12459 classe3 classe4" href="link03">Conteudo 3</a>

My goal is for example, through script, to create a new element and give an append by placing it inside the tag < a > repeating the respective link of each tag. The result would be + - like this:

<a class = "classe1 classe2 vitrine-12457" href="link01">Conteudo 1
   <span href="link01">
      conteudo do span
<a class = "classe1 vitrine-12458 classe3" href="link02">conteudo 2
   <span href="link02">
      conteudo do span
<a class = "classe1 vitrine-12459 classe3 classe4" href="link03">Conteudo 3
   <span href="link01">
      conteudo do span

In my reciocínio... storing the only class that differs from the others, I can pass it to Jquery by agglutination and so, both get the href and the correct element and Assign to a child, the same href of the Father element.

Thanks for your help!

  • 1

    But will you do a query to find an element and store the class name to then do another query to find again the element you had already found? Put the code you intend to use with a comment on the missing part.

  • Your question is unclear. Please explain better what you want to do (try using other words).

  • I edited it! I think it’s clearer... ^^'

1 answer


Well, to search all the elements that contain a class containing a certain word you can do the following:

let elementos = [...document.querySelectorAll('[class*="vitrine"]')];

In this way, in elements you will have an array with all objects that have some content class showcase name. From there you can make a filter to return what you need.

However, I think it would be better if you used the custom date attribute, such as:

<a href="#"... data-vitrine="1234">bllbl</a>

But of course this should be considered in its context. I wonder why you don’t look for the element exactly for the class you need instead of grouping the similarities before... I hope it helps.

  • 1

    This query will only work if the attribute class start with vitrine. It doesn’t work if vitrine is declared in the middle of the class. In this case it would be necessary to use class*="vitrine".

  • You are absolutely right. My lack of attention. Thank you for the correction. Editing the reply to correct the information.

  • It also works by assigning a css selector? type: querySelector("#listProducts[class*="showcase"])?

  • 1

    Yes, you can implement the selector policy you need in querySelector.

  • 1

    It worked out! Thank you! :>

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