How to write this query using lambda Linq in c#


Viewed 32 times


The query I have to pass to lamba is as follows:

select * from Linguagem inner join Cadastro on Lin_ID=Cad_IDLinguagem and Cad_Situation=0

only coonsegui do until the part of the joint but Where do not know what part enters:

return odb.Linguagem.Join(odb.Cadastro, l => l.Lin_ID, c => c.Cad_IDLinguagem, (l, c) => l).ToList();

Thank you very much.

1 answer


Hello, try something like this:

                     l => l.Lin_ID, 
                     c => c.Cad_IDLinguagem,
                     (l, c) => l)
             .Where(x => x.PROPRIEDADE == VERIFICAÇÃO)

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