Populated sqlite when install apk


Viewed 147 times


When I compile the app directly on mobile Sqlite comes empty (exactly as is the file in the path specified for DB) but when I use . apk generated in the same compilation he populates the DB apparently with the data of the last installation of the same apk on mobile. Using Delphi Rio 10.3. I already cleaned cache and data before uninstalling/installing the app, I already deleted the folder created by apk inside the Adroid/{app}/data folder, I already checked the connection parameters and the Deployment parameters to confirm that Delphi is using the right file.

  • 2

    Check the manifest as this the backup option, inside application will have an option allowBackup, put to false if true, ex: android:allowBackup="false"

  • That really was the problem. Solved.

1 answer


Problem solved by adding option android:allowBackup="false" in the Androidmanifest.template.xml file in the project folder.

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