Adding libs on android with eclipse


Viewed 380 times


I usually take the jar and put it inside the lib folder of my project, but I’ve seen people who do the same thing and add it by "Java Build Path/Add Jars...", it’s different to just put it in the folder?

1 answer


When you add a library through the Java Build Path/Add Jars, the project will import a reference(the path to the library) of the library, for example say add a library that is on your desktop (C: Users Desktop)then the eclipse will reference that library if you later come remove or move that library from your desktop ecplise will not run your project as the library is missing.

Already you putting directly in the lib folder, the project will contain the library without a reference to another location other than the lib folder, unlike the case described above. If you use this library in some part of your code and later come delete or move this library will result in a build error.

  • now I get it :)

  • good, it may be that I have forgotten some specific detail, but overall after having used several development platforms, especially.

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