Condition where you find the name "test" I print OK if NO


Viewed 80 times


this is the code I’m trying to solve and its result!

awk '{if ($0 ~ "teste") { print "ok"} else {print "no" }}' arquivo.txt


as you can see he checked every line himself had the name test and printed okay and on lines that had not printed in the !!

I know awk works line by line!

wanted him to just tell me OK if you have the expression I seek or IN THE if there is no!

1 answer


In awk:

awk '/teste/ {visto=1; exit} END {print visto ? "OK" : "NO"}' arquivo.txt


  • /teste/ { cosas } when Awk finds the text "test", it executes the code in {}.
  • visto=1; exit} in this case, defines a boolean variable visto.
  • END {print visto ? "OK" : "NO"} when it ends, aim if the variable is 1 o no. If it is 1, print "OK"; otherwise print "NO".

Mai I prefer Bash:

if grep -q "teste" arquivo.txt; then
   echo "OK"
   echo "NO"

In a line:

if grep -q teste archivo.txt; then echo "OK"; else echo "NO"; fi
  • thank you so much bro! that’s what I wanted! with bash I knew how to make more wanted just with awk! more pod explain to me how it works not intendi some parts!

  • @socketplus of course! Updated

  • very obg! @fedorqui

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