Queue to View Modal Bootstrap


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Guys, somebody give me a light. I’m taking some events with socket.io and putting a modal when I receive, but I get mt event and the modal Uga I’m trying to use a settimeout even more this buggy if someone can help me. follows the code:

var statusFollow = 'on',
countevent = 0,
eventended = 0
socket.on('msg', (msg) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        $('.modal-body').html(msg+' É um novo seguidor')
            document.querySelector('.modal').classList.remove('animated', 'slideInDown')
                document.querySelector('.modal').classList.add('animated', 'slideOutUp')
                document.querySelector('.modal').addEventListener('animationend', () => {
                    document.querySelector('.modal').removeEventListener('animationend', () => {})
                    document.querySelector('.modal').classList.remove('animated', 'slideOutUp')
                    document.querySelector('.modal').classList.add('animated', 'slideInDown')
            }, 2000)
        }, 3000)
    }, countevent * 5000)

    console.log('Eventos Restantes: '+(countevent - eventended))

    statusFollow = 'on'

  • Your question is too superficial. You have to explain better what your code does in practice so we can try to visualize the problem, and what kind of bug is going on. Only with this information becomes complicated.

  • So here’s my friend. i receive an event via webhook when I gain a new follower on a streaming platform when I receive a new follower the modal d bootstrap appears and disappears after 3 seconds. but when I get more than one follower at the same time the modal disappears faster and appears above. for I received one more follower before the modal animation came to an end

  • Put the CSS of the animations and the slideInDown and slideOutUp classes that I will try to play here.

  • Probably you are animating the modal via CSS and the animationend is conflicting with the standard Bootstrap animation.

  • For animations I am using this https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

1 answer


Create an array that queues incoming messages and use a recursive function that displays each item of the array until they run out, sequentially defined by setTimeout’s.

The variable ativo will determine when the function will be called by the socket, ie if the function processing is active, the socket will not call the function, but will be adding the messages in the array normally, while the function processes them with animation. Once empty the array, the variable ativo reverts false, and if the socket receives a new message, it starts the process again.

To work you need to remove the class .fade of the modal of Bootstrap.

In the code below I converted several methods used for jQuery syntax and added explanatory comments:

function mOdal(){
   // altera a variável para impedir o socket de chamar a função
   // enquanto estiver em processamento, evitando atropelos
   ativo = true;
   var mod = $('.modal'); // atribui a modal à uma variável
   var msg = lista[0]; // pega a primeira mensagem da array
   $('.last-follow').find('div').html(msg); // exibe a mensagem na div
   $('.modal-body').html(msg+' É um novo seguidor'); // insere texto no body da modal
   mod.modal('show'); // ativa a modal
   setTimeout(() => {
     mod.removeClass('animated slideInDown') // remove as classes
         .addClass('animated slideOutUp') // adiciona as classes
         .on('animationend', function(){ // evento quando a animação terminar
            .off('animationend') // cancela o evento
            .removeClass('animated slideOutUp') // remove as classes
            .addClass('animated slideInDown') // adiciona as classes
            .modal('hide') // esconde a modal
            lista.shift(); // remove o primeiro item da array
            console.log('Eventos Restantes: '+lista.length)
               mOdal() // se ainda houver item na array, chama a função novamente
               ativo = false // array vazia, volta a variável para false

      }, 2000)

   }, 3000)


var statusFollow = 'on',
lista = [],
socket.on('msg', (msg) => {
    lista.push(msg); // adiciona a mensagem na array
    if(!ativo) mOdal() // se a variável for false, chama a função
    statusFollow = 'on'
  • I have no words to thank you man. It helped me very much it worked. Thank you

  • You’re welcome, buddy. Just dial the answer with ✔

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