Multiple "form-Controls" within the same "form-group"


Viewed 108 times


In this section of the Bootstrap 4 documentation, says:

"We do not support Multiple form-Controls in a single input group"

But on the same page, in the section Multiple inputs, a little further down, it gives an example using multiple form-controls within the same form-group and says they are "visually supported".

I didn’t understand very well, after all I must or should not use multiples form-controls within the same form-group?

1 answer


Thiago Bootstrap has a series of validation classes form, you can consult them here and it is to these validation classes that this documentation text refers

In this image you can see the validation classes and methods, but they are only supported if they follow the rules, a form-control for a form-group

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And see what the official BS documentation says:

While Multiple <input>s are supported visually, validation Styles are only available for input groups with a single <input>.

Translating: "Although several <input>s are visually supported, the validation styles are only available for entry groups with a single entry <input>".

That is, the classes to style the validation of forms only works if you have a single form-control within the form-group, if you have more than one classes will not be applied.

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