How does POST differ from PUT when dealing with existing URIS?


Viewed 35 times


Not only this site, but several others use the example of creating a user on a website:

To clarify that PUT would only update the old user with the entered data, and POST would create a new one, when requesting an existing id. But how POST deals with creating a new user, if the URIS are the same?

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    And what would be the problem of being the same? In fact, there are numerous Apis that have a single URL for various operations. Who defines how she will behave is who wrote the API. Perhaps it would be interesting if you [Dit] the post and better base where you got the conclusion that the URI would determine the behavior of the API, or restrict its functionality in any way. Another example: I could have an API with the path http://nomedosite/x and do all operations with POST (delete user, create, edit, delete property, etc.) just changing the data sent.

  • @Bacco for example, when creating a user profile based on the name defined by the client in an input field. I don’t understand how different users could have the same URI

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    Remember that URL is opaque and does not necessarily reflect the logic of the application. If I want to have in my API the URL /batatas and use it to send an email to the US President in the GET method I could.

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    abcson precisely, and what induced you to think that one thing has relation to the other (the URI with the result)?

1 answer


An HTTP request is more than a URI, it includes a header and possibly a useful load (the body). Most of this request is filled automatically by the browser, but it in its total looks like this:

GET /docs/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

As you can see, in addition to the URI, the method is also sent, and so the server can handle the response according to the received request.

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