Yellow comment on Pycharm when using the term "all"


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I wonder why my comment gets the yellow color. It always happens when I use the word 'all'.

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    His editor interprets "all" as a marker of something pending, something to do - in English "to do". It is common to use TODO in comment to indicate pending.

2 answers


This is due to the settings of Pycharm, which considers the term "whole" as to of, of the English "to do" and highlights the content as a way to alert the developer about the pending.

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Even you can configure the behavior of the editor in this part.

Such tool can be used, even when doing some commit through own software, giving you the option to check if there was no backlog in the code before versioning it:

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This has nothing to do with the language - (source code has no "colors" is just text anyway) - and yes, with the tool you are using - in this case Pycharm.

Pycharm is an IDE, and Ides provide support for writing large projects that go beyond the language itself. In this case, what causes the color to be changed is that there is a practice among developers to put keywords in some comments indicating important points that should be revisited later in the project.

An example of this is the word "FIXME" (fix me) and in your case, the use of "TODO" - "To Do" - meaning "still to be done (this)" - Pycharm then highlights the comments that have developer reminders of "missing things to be done".

For the language itself, it’s just a comment, ignored like any other.

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