How to bring a specific result of an SQL query above the others?


Viewed 1,290 times


I have the following SQL query:

SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` AS `id`, `user_name` AS `name` FROM `users` ORDER BY `id` ASC;

That generates the output:

| id | name   |
|  1 | Calebe |
|  2 | João   |
|  3 | Lucas  |
|  4 | Pedro  |

However, I need that determined user come in the results, before the others. Example: I want the user_id = 3 appears at the top. Then the result should come as follows:

| id | name   |
|  3 | Lucas  |
|  1 | Calebe |
|  2 | João   |
|  4 | Pedro  |

How can I do it?

4 answers


For your specific query, something like this works:

SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` AS `id`, `user_name` AS `name` FROM `users` 
ORDER BY `id` = 3 DESC, `id` ASC;

In this way, it is ensured that the first ordering term obeys the desired ID.


You can also use an order for the desired field and values using the following rule:

SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` AS `id`, `user_name` AS `name` FROM `users` 
ORDER BY FIELD (id, 3, 1, 2, 4 ) ASC, id DESC;


SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` AS `id`, `user_name` AS `name`, if(user_name = `Lucas`,0,1) as `ordem` FROM `users` ORDER BY `ordem` ASC, `id` ASC;


There’s a solution here: link

ORDER BY ( ...
  • 1

    This will make ID 3 stay at the end of the results. You need to use a DESC to put you on top.

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