Guys, I’m wearing a iframe
together with Javascript to create a text editor as described below:
<iframe scrolling="auto" class="MINI_EDITOR" name="MINI_EDITOR">
And the Javascript code is this:
this.frameEdit = window.frames['MINI_EDITOR'].document;
this.frameEdit.designMode = 'on';
function ADD_NEGRITO(){
this.frameEdit.execCommand('bold', false, null);
When the user selects a text and calls the function ADD_NEGRITO
, text changes to bold and inside the iframe
a tag is added <b>texto selecionado</b>
My question is, I need to get all the html that is generated within the iframe
and move to a variable. I tried it this way, but it didn’t work:
var IFRAME_PRICIPAL=document.querySelector(.MINI_EDITOR'').innerHTML;
How can I make it work? Thanks in advance.