Make Openssl work in PHP


Viewed 75 times


I’m trying to make the openssl extension work in php, but I can’t.

I am using php 7.3.5 and Windows 10 internal server.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

$dir = __DIR__ . "\\openssl.cnf";
putenv("OPENSSL_CONF=" . $dir);
$res = openssl_pkey_new(["config" => $dir]);
while($erro = openssl_error_string()){
  echo $erro . "<br>";


error:02001003:systemlibrary:fopen:No such process
error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file
error:0E064002:configuration file routines:CONF_load:system lib
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value
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