Save values and make a comparison


Viewed 33 times


I’m having a hard time making a comparison logic or something better that you can point out to me.

I’m developing an app that contains several buttons in mega sena game format.

I need to make sure that if a ball is already selected the color changes to green and if it receives a new click goes back to white (I am already able to do this ), but I need that if you already have a ball selected should not have the possibility of it selecting a new.

Imagem da tela de jogo

My code:

public void buttonClick(View button){
    String tag = (String)button.getTag();
    int numeroInteiro = Integer.parseInt(tag);

    switch (numeroInteiro){
            if (ballsColor()){
            }else {

private boolean ballsColor(){
    if (count == 0){
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Is there any way to save a value and not be overwritten in a new button action?

1 answer


What you can do is add a tag for each button, create a variable selectedTag to store the tag from the selected button and use this to make the logic you need. Note the following code.

private String selectedTag = null;

public void buttonClick(View button){
    String tag = (String) button.getTag();

    if(this.selectedTag == null){
        selectedTag = tag;
    }else if(this.selectedTag.equals(tag)){
        selectedTag = null;

I’m considering that the method buttonClick will be used to handle the click of all buttons.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • It worked fine, thank you very much!!

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