Spacing between grids and image pasted on the card


Viewed 127 times


  1. How do I give a spacing between text and accordion:

Espaçamento entre o texto e o accordion

  1. Imagem Colada na card

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  Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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            Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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1 answer


In Bootstrap the most practical way is using the utilities spacing you can check the full list here

But basically M is for margin and P is for padding, and the values range from 1 to 5, guy m-1 is a margem small in the element, and p-5 would be a padding great in the element. Since vc mode still apply only in the mt- = margin-top, or mb- = margin-bottom, the same goes for P. If you want the axles X or Y equal use mx- to the horizontal and my- upright.

So in your case I just created a spacing between the ROWs, putting my-3 in them and conformed to the image <div class="row my-3">

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf
                moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod.
                Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda
                shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea
                proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim
                aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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                            <div class="card-body">
                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
                    <div class="card mb-3">
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                                    Collapsible Group Item #1
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                            <div class="card-body">
                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
                    <div class="card mb-3">
                        <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingFive">
                            <h5 class="mb-0">
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                                    Collapsible Group Item #1
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                            <div class="card-body">
                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
                    <div class="card mb-3">
                        <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingSix">
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                                    aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseFour">
                                    Collapsible Group Item #1
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                            <div class="card-body">
                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
                    <div class="card mb-3">
                        <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingSeven">
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                                    data-target="#collapseSeven" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseFour">
                                    Collapsible Group Item #1
                        <div id="collapseSeven" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingSeven"
                            <div class="card-body">
                                Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad
                                squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck
                                quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it
                                squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica,
                                craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur
                                butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth
                                nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
    <div class="container">
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                    alt="person writing in a notebook beside by an iPad, laptop, printed photos, spectacles, and a cup of coffee on a saucer"
                    class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image">
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                <img src=""
                    alt="person writing in a notebook beside by an iPad, laptop, printed photos, spectacles, and a cup of coffee on a saucer"
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                        This is some text within a card body.
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                        This is some text within a card body.

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