Hello, I’m making an application where I make an ajax request to register in the bank, the request is working smoothly. However I noticed that only accepts up to 6 requests in a row without updating the page after this the server blocks. I am using the nodemon server running on Gulp.js
I wonder if this is a default limitation of ajax or browser ?
It is possible to parameterize to increase the number of requests followed or decrease ?
Here is the ajax request
$('#form-aluno').submit(() => {
let data = $('#form-aluno').serialize();
const register = $.ajax({
method: "post",
url: "/alunos/register/save",
dataType: "json",
data: data
register.done((resposta) => {
return false;
Controller that records data/students/Register/save
module.exports = () => {
return {
register: (req, res) => {
data = {
name: req.body.name,
age: req.body.age,
obs: req.body.age,
turma: parseInt(req.body.turma_id)
AL_NAME: data.name,
AL_IDADE: data.age,
AL_OBS: data.obs,
AL_TURMA: data.turma
NOTE: The Application is working I would just like to know about this request limitation for curiosity purposes and future projects