Unable to change field in php when id is not 1


Viewed 29 times


Good evening, I’m trying to make a change to my database through php, but when clicking on "change" it only allows if the code is equal to 1, I have already put in html to send the id as soon as we click on "change" but it only pulls the page if the code is equal to 1, follows below my code:

$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$nome = $_SESSION['usuario'];
$idfornec = $_GET['idfornec'];



$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$senha = "";
$banco = "visaosystem";
$conexao = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $senha) or die (mysql_error());
mysqli_select_db($conexao, $banco) or die (mysql_error());

$selectfornec = ("SELECT fornecedor.razaosocial, fornecedor.nomefantasia, fornecedor.cnpj, fornecedor.ie, fornecedor.ativo, contatofornec.telefone1, contatofornec.telefone2, 
contatofornec.celular, contatofornec.email, enderecofornec.cep, enderecofornec.logradouro, enderecofornec.bairro, enderecofornec.municipio, enderecofornec.cidade, enderecofornec.uf, enderecofornec.numero, enderecofornec.complemento FROM fornecedor
INNER JOIN contatofornec ON (fornecedor.idfornec = contatofornec.idcontatofornec) INNER JOIN enderecofornec ON (fornecedor.idfornec = enderecofornec.idenderecofornec) WHERE fornecedor.idfornec = '$idfornec'") or die(mysqli_error());

$dadosfornec = $conexao->query($selectfornec);

        while ($linha = $dadosfornec->fetch_assoc()) {
        $razaosocial = $linha["razaosocial"];
        $nomefantasia = $linha["nomefantasia"];
        $cnpj = $linha["cnpj"];
        $ie = $linha["ie"];
        $ativo = $linha["ativo"];
        $primeironum = $linha["telefone1"];
        $segundonu = $linha["telefone2"];
        $celular = $linha["celular"];
        $email = $linha["email"];
        $cep = $linha["cep"];
        $endereco = $linha["logradouro"];
        $bairro = $linha["bairro"];
        $municipio = $linha["municipio"];
        $cidade = $linha["cidade"];
        $uf = $linha["uf"];
        $numero = $linha["numero"];
        $complemento = $linha["complemento"];
  • 1

    The error could be in this $idFornec, just print it out.

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