Database for Resumes


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Good afternoon,

I’m doing my TCC project for a HR system, only I have a question while storing resumes. In which there will be a form where the user registers his information, and if you want to add another course he clicks on the button and creates another Row in the table. like most websites do. I’m actually doing it like this:

tabela currículo com chave estrangeira ao usuário

With three tables using foreign keys referencing the resume to the user. But I see that this way when I do the DTO and DAO, it’s not going to work. They could give me a north of how to do and good practices of doing this.

Thank you.

  • Why won’t it work? It seems ok for a resume to be associated with the user.

  • So in that case, you’d just use the DTO curriculum to inherit the other three? So I would only use a crud in the curriculeDAO along with functions to add Rows to the table?

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