I cannot get result from my updated object list


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I am developing the back of a web service and will be my first application in Nodejs v11. Do not notice the lack of separation of 'business rules' with 'bank manipulation' because I am having problems to do this good practice with Firebird. Anyway, let’s get to the code problem:

module.exports = function(express) {

express.get('/folha', (req, res) => {
    const firebird = require('node-firebird');
    const config = express.config.dbconfig; 

    let listaTudo = [{FORA: 1}]; //Atribuí esse objeto pra saber que ele foi inclido FORA!

    firebird.attach(config, (err, db) => { 
        if (err)
            throw err;

         db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS ATIVOS FROM FUNCCONTRATO WHERE CODIGOEMPRESA = '501' AND DATADEM IS NULL", (err, result /*27*/) => {
            if (err)
                throw err;

            listaTudo.push(result[0]); //Alimentando a listaTudo com resultado { ATIVOS: 27 }
            console.log('result:', result);  // [ { ATIVOS: 27 } ]
            console.log('listaTudo:',listaTudo);  // [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } ] 
            listaTudo.push({DENTRO: 2}); //Alimentando a lista com { DENTRO : 2 } 
            console.log('listaTudo:',listaTudo);  // [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } , { DENTRO : 2 } ]

            db.detach(); // DESCONECTA DO BANCO
        console.log(listaTudo); //OBTIDO:  [ { FORA: 1 } ]  ------ ESPERADO: [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } , { DENTRO : 2 } ]
        res.send(listaTudo); //OBTIDO:  [ { FORA: 1 } ]  ------ ESPERADO: [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } , { DENTRO : 2 } ]


Well, I took a look at Javascript being a code that works synchronously, maybe that’s why he printed out the console.log() and res.send() on lines 27 and 28 respectively not updated as happened within the function db.query('sql, result =>) on lines 15 to 26.

I want to do this because when accessing /folha I want you to return in Sponse a list of results of querys I did, but I’m not able to feed the list, or if I am, I’m not able to access it after feeding it.

Someone understands what can be done?

  • The first thing to do is to post the code as text and not as image. Also enter the version of Node that you are using

  • Thanks for the tip!! I already edited :D

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  • Oops, I did it now that you commented. I appreciate the patience, dear fellow UTFPR. As I said, it was my first forum post. I didn’t know what to do after I got the solution.

1 answer


The problem is that the request is asynchronous. Or you enter the res.send within the callback of db.query or rewrites using promise:

const firebird = require('node-firebird');

const attach = (config) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    firebird.attach(config, (err, db) => {
      if (err) reject(err);
      else resolve(db);

const query = (db, sql) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    db.query(sql, (err, result) => {
      if (err) reject(err);
      else resolve(result);

const listar = async (req, res, config) => {
  const lista = [{ FORA: 1 }]; //Atribuí esse objeto pra saber que ele foi inclido FORA!
  const db = await attach(config);
  lista.push(result[0]); //Alimentando a lista com resultado { ATIVOS: 27 }
  console.log('result:', result);  // [ { ATIVOS: 27 } ]
  console.log('lista:', lista);  // [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } ]
  lista.push({ DENTRO: 2 }); //Alimentando a lista com { DENTRO : 2 }
  console.log('lista:',lista);  // [ { FORA: 1 }, { ATIVOS: 27 } , { DENTRO : 2 } ]

module.exports = (express) => express.get('/folha', async (req, res) => listar(req, res, express.config.dbconfig));
  • I’m going to have to do a study on Promises and Async/Await from the looks of it. In theory this your refactored code for my problem has to make some change to run here? Because I switched for it and generates an error(s). Anyway, thank you so much for your help and attention (for editing the main post as well)

  • @Thalesh.P.delira what errors?

  • Unhandledpromiserejectionwarning: Typeerror: self.execute is not a Function at Database.query (c: Node-projects Testesbancountersture_modules Node-Firebird lib index.js:1571:10) at Promise (Internal/util.js:290:30) at new Promise (<Anonymous>)at Internal/util.js:289:12 at list (c: Node-projects Testsbancompressed app Routes funcionario.js:9:24) at processTicksAndRejections (Internal/process/next_tick.js:81:5)

  • @Thalesh.P.delira I made a change that may solve the error you described

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