Android Sqlite data insertion


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What is the best way to insert more than 10000 rows of data into a 13-column table using Sqlite Android?

I thought of using the ContentValue then:

Db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, ContentValue); 
  • What is the way you plan to use?

  • I thought to use Contentvalue then Db.Insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, Contentvalue);

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    @Ludger, from what I read, every insert that you do Sqlite creates a transaction, which makes it slow if you know that no constraint will fail. A lot of people recommend using only one SQLiteStatement (just varying the parameters) to speed. Take a look at this benchmark article: with these two alternatives. As soon as I have time I can formulate an answer.

1 answer


I don’t know much about Android itself, but considering database operations, the ideal would be to create the SQL of Insert with parameters like

INSERT INTO Tabela (A, B, C) VALUES (:A, :B, :C);

Give a Prepare, Start a transaction and enter all data by changing only the parameters and finalizing the transaction.

as was done in the example cited by Wakin in this article, with some adjustments:

According to the same article, through Sqlstatement the speed reaches to be 8x higher, in the simple tests that he performed

private void bulkInsertRecords(String[] records) {
          String sql = "INSERT INTO "+ SAMPLE_TABLE_NAME +" VALUES (?,?,?);";
          SQLiteStatement statement = sampleDB.compileStatement(sql); //Este é o prepare
          for (int i = 0; i<records.length; i++) {
                    statement.bindString(1, records[0]);
                    statement.bindString(2, records[1]);
                    statement.bindString(3, records[2]);


According to this other article the reason for the performance gain is:

  1. Transactional block control: With transactional control over the entire INSERT block, the changes are performed in memory and then persisted, rather than making a base adjustment to each Insert and checkar constraints and updating indexes, etc.
  2. compileStatement: It is the prepare, avoid an overhead processing as if each command of Insert should be checked, leaving the command with its "route" already traced, should only inform the values
  • 2

    Is there any reason, in terms of efficiency, to use the SQLiteStatement?

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    @Jorgeb. I added a conclusion ;)

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    @Jorgeb. for practical terms, the link I put in the question has a comparison, the gain is 17 times.

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    Yes @Wakim but the link may disappear. I try not to go see the links (unless it’s documentation) to keep the site trustworthy.

  • 1

    Using Sqlitestatement the app has improved performance, it takes less time to insert.

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