Rename Arq with multiple upload


Viewed 24 times


I have a form that contains a file type input, where I need to send several Arq at the same time:

<div class="row p-3 hours_week" *ngFor="let subType of finalResultTotal">

      <input type="file" ng2FileSelect [uploader]="uploader" multiple id="{{subType}}SlotsInput"
                  [name]="subType.DATA_DIA+uploadHtml" class="text-light" (change)="inputFileChange($event)" multiple
                  ngModel #inpt="ngModel" #inpt="ngModel">

in ts I do so:

  public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({
    isHTML5: true




    onSubmit(form) {

          for (var j = 0; j < this.uploader.queue.length; j++) {
              this.enviaFoto = new FormData();

              this.fileItem = this.uploader.queue[j]._file;

       this.enviaFoto.append('photo', this.fileItem,;
      this.enviaFoto.append('fileSeq', 'seq' + j);
      this.uploadFile(this.enviaFoto).subscribe(data => 

  uploadFile(data: FormData): Observable<any> {

    return<any>('http://localhost:3000/novaphoto', data);

The Arq are inserted in my api all good, but then I need to change the name of the Arq before sending, and I did the following:

onsubmit(form) {

  for (var j = 0; j < this.uploader.queue.length; j++) {
      this.enviaFoto = new FormData();

      this.fileItem = this.uploader.queue[j]._file;

    if (this.day3.DIA === this.finalResultTotal[0].DATA_DIA) {
      this.day3.HORA = this.finalResultTotal[0].HORAS
      this.day3.SOBRA = this.finalResultTotal[0].TOTAL

      this.Day1Final = this.day3

    } else {


    if (this.day3.DIA === this.finalResultTotal[1].DATA_DIA) {
      this.day3.HORA = this.finalResultTotal[1].HORAS
      this.day3.SOBRA = this.finalResultTotal[1].TOTAL

      this.Day2Final = this.day3

    } else {



 if (this.Day1Final.UPLOAD) {

      Object.defineProperty(this.fileItem, 'name', {
        writable: true,
        value: (this.Day1Final.DIA).trim()
      this.enviaFoto.append('photo', this.fileItem,;
      this.enviaFoto.append('fileSeq', 'seq' + j);
      this.uploadFile(this.enviaFoto).subscribe(data => console.log(data.message));

    if (this.Day2Final.UPLOAD) {
      let foto = new FormData()
      Object.defineProperty(this.fileItem, 'name', {
        writable: true,
        value: (this.Day2Final.DIA).trim()
      foto.append('photo', this.fileItem,;
      foto.append('fileSeq', 'seq' + j);
      this.uploadFile(foto).subscribe(data => console.log(data.message));



If this.Day1final.UPLOAD is true, it means that there are some files in this array, such as Day2final.

Send to the api and is successfully sent, name the way I want, but will not the different photos, it is sending the same photo only with different names.

Could you help me?

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