Grab an inline style value


Viewed 81 times


If we consider an inline style HTML tag like this:

<li style="width: 360px; float: left; display: block;">conteudo</div>

it is possible I take only the value of the width to make a calculation via Javascript or Jquery?

from now on... thank you!

2 answers


Yes friend, you can use clientWidth to return the value of the width of your element.

console.log(document.querySelector('li').clientWidth, document.querySelector('li').style.display, document.querySelector('li').style.float)
<li style="width: 360px; float: left; display: block;">conteudo</li>


To get the other properties you can use the [DOCUMENT].style.[PROPERTY]

For example, to get the font color from your li you can do so:

  • Thanks for the answer! It worked... But has a function like this for each style? Height, Color...

  • @Ivangomes edited the answer, see if it helps.

  • got it! Very good! Thank you.


Use the jquery css function as below:

var width = $("li").css("width"); // retorna: 360px 
width = $("li").width() // retorna 360
<script src=""></script>
<li style="width: 360px; float: left; display: block;">conteudo</div>


  • In that case, to take only the numeric value, I would have to use an add-on, wouldn’t I? .

  • I put in the answer an equivalent option for width: $("li"). width()

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