This is a matter of ENEM (jokes aside, let’s doubt). The answer may be in Mysql or in PHP.
I need to do a search where I list all permissions that the user does not have. For this I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE `sys_perfil_permissoes` (
`id_perfil_permissao` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`id_perfil` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`id_funcionalidade` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id_perfil_permissao`)
CREATE TABLE `sys_usuario_permissoes` (
`id_usuario_permissao` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`id_usuario` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`id_perfil_permissao` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`permissao` INT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id_usuario_permissao`)
The sys_perfil_permissions table functions as a default, when creating a user, it already has some permissions by default, when I save these permissions from the user, they are saved in the sys_user_permissions table.
How can I find permissions that the user does not have in a SELECT?
Then I’ll have to select from the same table?
– Edward Ramos
Or would you be like this? 
SELECT * FROM sys_perfil_permissoes pp
JOIN sys_funcionalidades f ON pp.id_funcionalidade = f.id_funcionalidade
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys_usuario_permissoes up2 WHERE up2.id_funcionalidade = pp.id_funcionalidade
AND up2.id_usuario = 660 )
– Edward Ramos