Sending a GET request


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I am trying to send a GET request to another computer (Win Server R2 2008), from an EC2 AWS (Linux) instance via Curl by command $curl -X GET --header "Authorization: bearer <token>" http://<ip destino>:8080/<endpoint> and return me RFB 003.008 curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer. but I have no idea what that mistake is.

  • Use --trace-ascii dump.txt together with command to debug the error with more details

  • @caribeedu ever made just returns me the same error only with the more detailed header :/

  • Look at this question here

  • @Ikarosales Your EC2 instance needs to be connected to the internet and eventually to your internal network via a VPN or Dirrect Connect. I suggest you do some simple tests like drip from/to and edit your question with these details. The topic of network access in AWS documentation can help you:

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